Sunday, March 27, 2011

Same Sex Marrige: My critique/feedback towards March 25ths in class discussion.

      Apparently, several individuals are for same sex marriage and thinks that it should be legalized everywhere. According to many, same sex marriage should be considered simply because it is "2011" and in this day and age nothing is surprising. Yes, many things are accepted in today's society but does that make it RIGHT? Of course not. Sure, it is ones choice to live life with whomever they prefer but that doesn't justify for there immoral actions.
      Everyday people create a new commercial advertising alcohol and a certain brand of beer. In college,  drinking is commonly accepted and even thought to be expected among the student body. Yes, on occasions it is understandable to celebrate with a fine wine. However, numerous people  purchase liquor every weekend or consume alcohol very frequently. Buying alcohol is perfectly legal, shows like celebrity rehab demonstrate how "idols" who are suppose to be role models end up alcoholics.
      To compare to same sex marriage, most would say "well it's their life and their choice." At the end of the day, it may be accepted but it will never be THE RIGHT THING TO DO. Studies have been done to prove that people more exposed to something are more likely to accept it and behave accordingly. Don't make up your child's mind for them, let them make their own decisions. To learn more about this, be sure to visit sites such as "  ,, and"

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What struck me in "The Godfather."

       The fact that the "God Father" was a movie based on the Italian culture, was enough to hold my attention from the very beginning. Italian people are lively, and know how to keep you interested for the most part due to their confident nature. When Micheal Colione killed a guy at a restaurant, it was very unexpected; the film was very unpredictable. Naturally, an unexpected scene is going to be more believable and made the killing appear even more brutal by the old man's response and the way he convulsed and shook uncontrollably.
        I love the seriousness of the one  guy with the broad shoulders that said "we don't discuss business at the table." Capturing. The seriousness of the film was evident when an Italian man abuses his wife while she is pregnant. It displayed complete inhumane qualities which created suspense and forced emotion from the audience. However, the brother getting pushed to the limit was very relatable ( his violent behavior in such a common dilema.)
       Any day, the film was very suspenseful and contained denouement; there were multiple scenes which ended in climax. To illustrate, when Coliones' wife is blown up in the parked vehicle. Indeed, this particular scene proved the writer was daring and knew what his audience would love. Surprisingly, the resolution of the movie consists of Colione taking the place of his father and carrying on his role in society. Does the protagonist (son ) do a complete three-sixty and become the antagonist  (father )? Hmmmm.......