Monday, January 31, 2011" Exclusive online commentary from the times."

            I am reading the NY Times online , specifically the opinion pages and I've come across this article by Stanley Fish talking about his trip from Florida to New York. So, in the commentary Fish speaks of the variation of music towards the north. More so, elaborating on how clever music paints a picture on how the artists is feeling. Also, he mentions that all of the music on the country station  he listens to tells a story.
           An example Fish gave was "I turn your picture to the wall when I am laying next to her," a line from a song. Fish feels as though music sometimes has to be read "between the lines" so to speak. To go on, Fish brings to his audiences' attention Emerson Drives "moments" as evidence to this observation. The example demonstrated this: At the end of a long walk, the speaker was about to cross a bridge when a homeless man asks him for change. The speaker remarks that he won't need it anyway. The homeless guy says that he hadn't always been that way, Later on in the song, Fish tells that although not explicitly stated, that the narrator never intended to cross the bridge; rather to jump.
          I enjoy this article, it's persuading in my opinion in that Mr. Fish provides several examples to illustrate his thoughts.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The New York Times

    Im on and apparently a man by the name of  Rodnry Alcala was a star on the show "the dating game" back in 1978, a very long time ago. Well, this Alcala was  responsible for raping and killing an 8 yr old in California prior to his appearance on this game show known as a well-off photographer. Yes, while Alcala was out on parole he was seen as a teleivison appearance and unfortunatley won over the female guest on that episiode. However, isn't it amusing that after the cameras went off, the lady exclaimed something about him changed her wise and instictual mind?
     Wow. Amazing. Obviouslly, this man was a luntic, and the story goes on to tell that he is behind numerous killings. Evidently, Alcala would persuade women to take their picture and then rape and kill them. Now, today Alcala is still in prison for murders that he has performed following appearing on " the dating game." The killer has been in prison since 1980 and is 67 yrs. of age,  it looks like he isn''t escaping any time soon. Too, Alcala is brought before Manhattan  judge once again behind the case of Ms. Crilley and Ms. Hover; two murder cases that are still unsolved. Unbelievable.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What is your point of view on this one?

  Gun control in the school system is obviously and absolutely becoming a topic of popular discussion among society today. Saying this, enabling any and every legal citizen to possess one is commonly thought as lunatic. Indeed, weapons; guns specifically aren't and never will be a means for protection excluding for military purposes. Therefore, being targeted by a non-student; someone that is not permitted on school grounds will remain a severe issue until a remedy is discovered which in itself is close to impossible. Nonetheless, is a portion of  the reason behind common school violence due to the lack of protection or guns on campus? Hmmmm.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dig This

Is it correct that Hampton University and Old Dominion University have the same tuition? Which one is a better University in your opinion? LETS GO!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Just a myth or fact of life?

Is college merely a rip off? If so, only to those who spend thousands for a degree and cannot find work?...What do you think?